Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

Donald Trump

Liberal Professors Trade Secret Emails in Effort to Undermine Trump Commission (Updated)

Professor calls for commission of scholars and voting rights activists to push back publicly against the voter fraud commission

May 14, 2017

Soros-Funded Groups Behind Anti-Trump Corporate Targeting Campaign

Progressives are targeting nine corporations who they say can profit from Trump's policies

May 10, 2017

Busted Ex-ACORN Employee Fighting NH Voter Registration Reform

New Hampshire politicians are pushing to reform the state's same-day voter registration

May 3, 2017

Indicted Fmr Dem Rep. Corrine Brown Spent Campaign Cash After Primary Loss

Expensed $13,476 in petty cash, hotels, travel after electoral defeat

April 30, 2017
Tom Perriello

A Majority of Tom Perriello's Campaign Funds Are Coming From Outside Virginia

56 Percent of donations are coming from out of state; Soros family makes up nearly 20 percent of all contributions

April 26, 2017