
Tillerson Holds Off on Shuttering Embassies, Pulling Diplomats After Meeting With Cuba’s Top Diplomat

Cubans say they are still cooperating and not responsible for ‘sonic’ attacks on U.S. diplomats in Havana

September 27, 2017
Susan Rice

Lawmakers Set Sights on Obama Unmasking Scandal

Lawmakers place renewed focus on unearthing Obama efforts to monitor team Trump

September 27, 2017
Xi Jinping

China's 'Magic Weapons': Influence Operations Subverting Foreign Governments

Report says Beijing sharply increases overseas efforts to sway governments under Xi Jinping

September 27, 2017
grocery store

Feds Spend $429,220 Tracking Eye Movements of Latinos at Grocery Stores to Fight Obesity

Study aims to determine how overweight people make decisions on what to buy

September 27, 2017