
State Dept. Agrees With OSCE That Russian Elections Were Restricted, Unfair

Nauert: Trump's call to Putin upon his election 'win' was 'protocol'

March 20, 2018
cyber hack

Qatar Behind Hack on GOP Donor With Business Ties to Rival UAE, Lawyer Says

Qatar alleged to run spy operation, hack attack via D.C.-based agents

March 20, 2018
climate change

The Flawed Methodology Behind Studies Measuring the Cost of Climate Change

New report shows climate studies blend line between correlation and causation, fail to account for human adaption

March 20, 2018

Chelsea Clinton, Media Mislead on Free NARCAN Program Mentioned in Trump Speech

Exec: Clinton Foundation doesn't 'purchase the product, they don't distribute the product'

March 20, 2018

Coalition Urges Franchise Fix in Omnibus Bill

Groups want Congress to restore old joint-employer standard after NLRB threw out decision

March 20, 2018