This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 18

Northwestern University law school / Wikimedia Commons
November 8, 2020

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Anti-Police Student Group Launches Fireworks, Bricks at Police in Riot | Washington Free Beacon

An anti-police student activist group at Northwestern University launched fireworks and bricks at police officers and vandalized city property during a riot.

5. Professor: Student Extracurricular Activities Perpetuate Racism, Sexism | The College Fix 

George Mason University professor Blake Silver said extracurriculars "perpetuate racism" and mostly benefit white men.

4. College Dems, Leftist Students Raise Bail Money for Philadelphia Rioters, Looters | Campus Reform

Students at Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania promoted a bail fund for rioters arrested in Philadelphia.

3. Yale Professor Says Hitler Improved Lives of His Followers, Unlike Trump | Washington Free Beacon 

A Yale University professor and psychiatrist compared President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in a series of tweets and said Hitler, unlike Trump, improved the lives of his followers.

2. University at Buffalo Hosts Segregated Election Day 'Listening Sessions' | YAF

The University at Buffalo is preparing its students for election results by hosting a series of segregated counseling "listening sessions," which divide students into a "white affinity group" and a "people of color affinity group."

1. UC Berkeley Student Government Accuses Pepsi of ‘Violence’ Against Minorities | The College Fix

Berkeley students are urging their school to stop selling Pepsi products because the company "embodies colonial and white supremacist ideologies."

Want more Campus Insanity? Read Vol. 17 here.

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Published under: Campus Insanity