Comey Sheds Pseudonym, Officially Joins 'The Twitterverse' With New Handle

James Comey / Getty
November 6, 2017

Former FBI Director James Comey announced a new Twitter handle on Monday, @comey, and said he was "glad to be part of the Twitterverse."

Comey had tweeted under a not-so-secret pseudonym in the past, writing with the handle @FormerBu under the name Reinhold Niebuhr, a theologian who Comey wrote about in his undergraduate thesis at the College of William & Mary.

"Here's my new handle," Comey wrote. "Glad to be part of the Twitterverse. Grateful to Reinhold for the cover these last few years."

Comey recieved attention last month for sending out tweets of a trip to Iowa under the cryptic former handle. In politics, any trip to Iowa sparks speculation that the visitor has eyes on the White House given the state's significance as home to the first presidential nominating caucuses.

President Donald Trump fired Comey in May and set off a series of events that led to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel in the Russia investigation.

It remains to be seen whether Comey will publicly weigh in on events surrounding Trump and his administration. As a proficient user of Twitter, Trump would likely be quick with a response.