Trump on Chinese President Xi Jinping: 'We Have a Very Good Relationship'

October 25, 2017

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he has a "very good relationship" with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Trump spoke with Fox Business host Lou Dobbs in the White House about his relationship with Xi, who recently was added into the Chinese Communist party's constitution, making him the most powerful leader in China since Mao Zedong.

"Just spoke to him a few minutes ago, just before I walked into the room," Trump said. "You know, something has been given to him that's ... virtually, virtually never happened in China. He's been given powers that nobody has—"

"And written into the constitution," Dobbs noted.

"He's a powerful man. I happen to think he's a very good person," Trump said. "Now with that being said he represents China, I represent the USA, so you know, there's always going to be conflict, but we have a very good relationship."

"People say we have the best relationship of any president ... because he's called president also, now some people might call him the king of China, but he's called president, but we have a very good relationship and that's a positive thing and it would be good to have that relationship with Russia and other countries too," Trump said.

Trump has sought to work with China since taking office in putting pressure on North Korea and its rogue nuclear program.