MTV Stars Fight Ovarian Cancer on Capitol Hill

'Real World' veterans attend launch for Congressional Ovarian Cancer Caucus

The late Diem Brown
The late Diem Brown / AP
September 29, 2015

Several stars of MTV’s The Real World and The Challenge attended a rally on Capitol Hill Tuesday launching the Congressional Ovarian Cancer Caucus.

The reality show veterans were there to raise awareness about the disease, which took the life of fellow star of The Challenge Diem Brown just last year, as well as offer support to Rep. Sean Duffy (R., Wis.), a former cast member on The Real World.

Duffy and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (R., Conn.) serve as co-chairs of the caucus in a bipartisan effort to increase attention to ovarian cancer and its research. DeLauro is a 29-year ovarian cancer survivor, and Duffy’s sister also successfully battled the disease.

The MTV stars present at the rally included Derrick Kosinski and Laurel Stucky of The Challenge as well as David "Puck" Rainey and Norman Korpi of The Real World. Duffy’s wife Rachel Campos-Duffy, whom he met on The Real World, also attended the caucus launch.

Megan Brown, Diem’s sister and caregiver who currently works at Fox News Channel, delivered remarks at the event along with the lawmakers.

Diem Brown lost a public 10-year battle with ovarian cancer nearly a year ago at the age of 34.

"Diem has the attention of the U.S. Congress and she has to be smiling down from heaven knowing that she’s still making a difference making sure that you have more people fighting to make sure we have more attention and are coming closer to a cure," Duffy said before a large crowd Tuesday.

The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance helped spearhead the event, which featured remarks by CEO of the alliance Calaneet Balas, the National Cancer Institute’s Dr. Elise Kohn, and ovarian cancer survivor Jennie McGihon.

The event marked the final days of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

In the bipartisan effort, Duffy and DeLauro invite Americans to join the caucus in order to raise public awareness about ovarian cancer and early detection and prevention efforts.