#Protip: When you get called out for being a misogynist or a racist or any other kind of -ist, do yourself a favor and offer up an actual apology and not a non-apology.
What do I mean? Usually, when we subject someone to call-out culture they try to defend themselves. Sometimes they’ll couch this defense as an apology. This is a non-apology apology. And it’s bullshit.
As I noted yesterday, we saw a prime example of the non-apology apology from Jeremy Renner, who had this to say after making a gross, disgusting "joke" about Black Widow:
I am sorry that this tasteless joke about a fictional character offended anyone. It was not meant to be serious in any way. Just poking fun during an exhausting and tedious press tour.
WOW. SMDH. Look at all this ridiculous excuse-making. Oh, your sexism was just aimed at a fictional character? Oh, you were exhausted? Oh, press tours—where you’re representing yourself and the Marvel brand to the world—are TEDIOUS? Oh my I’m so sorry to have inconvenienced you by POINTING OUT YOUR GROSS SEXISM. JFC.
We saw something similar from Michael Buble, pictured above, after he was called out for posting the gross picture above to his Instagram and objecting the unsuspecting woman with lame hashtags about her "humps." Here’s Buble:
Anybody who knows me would never misinterpret the message of the photo my wife took in Miami that seems to have caused unexpected rage by some people. I do not court controversy. But I realize that a photo that was meant to be complimentary and lighthearted has turned into a questionable issue. For the record, It hurts me deeply that anyone would think that I would disrespect women or be insulting to any human being.. I was not brought up that way and it is not in my character. I regret that there are people out there who found the photo offensive. That was not and is not my intention. Women are to be celebrated, loved, respected, honored and revered. I’ve spent my life believing that and will continue to do so.
Ew. Quit downplaying our anger. Quit suggesting your love of women couldn’t come with a component of misogyny. Quit talking about your "intentions," as if it matters what you intend to do when you hurt someone. ALL THAT MATTERS IS OUR FEELS NOT YOURS. FFS.
If you want a good example of how to properly respond to being called out, check out @dnscollective’s response to Boing Boing when it tried to play off their grossly transphobic tweet:
The only proper response to being called out for committing a transgression is to say "We are sorry, we didn’t realize we were being [ist], thank you for educating us." Our shaming of you only works if you admit that you have something to be ashamed about. DO BETTER. QUIT NON-APOLOGIZING.
I give the transgression of offering a non-apology apology three problematics.