Like Paul Krugman, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) knows a nefarious conspiracy when he sees one. Blumenthal has called on the National School Board Association to end its recently announced partnership with Right Decision Right Now, a program designed to prevent youth tobacco use.
That sounds like a good thing, right? Why would Blumenthal oppose the partnership? Well, because Right Decision Right Now was founded by R.J. Reynolds, a tobacco company that obviously wants children to smoke (or something). He called the partnership a "deadly deal" that must be stopped.
Despite being run by an evil tobacco company, RDRN seems to have had at least some success in achieving its stated goal, with participants seeing a significant decline in actual or anticipated tobacco use among middle school students. So why does Senator Blumenthal hate America’s kids?
And while he’s at it, what other suspicious relationships might Blumenthal seek to end? Perhaps the David H. Koch Theater in Manhattan is promoting subliminal Tea Party talking points via the New York City Ballet and its graceful, yet blatantly anti-government adagios. It goes without saying that Blumenthal, like most liberals, opposes hospital funding and scholarships for African-American students because Koch brothers.
Fortunately for Blumenthal, he isn’t up for reelection until 2016, but Connecticut voters may want to ask themselves if they want to be represented by man who wants to deprive our nation’s youth of health, culture, and education.