Coburn: Obamacare Cuts Choices, Not Costs

Sen. Tom Coburn (R.,Okla.) responded to President Obama’s speech yesterday afternoon, during which he touted Obamacare and proclaimed that the national health exchange is here to stay.

Coburn debunked every Obamacare advantage the president promised, citing limited coverage and higher deductibles among the negative affects of the President’ signature health program.

He also sternly rebuked the President for saying that he is open to ideas to fix Obamacare. The President has repeatedly turned down every solution Republicans have proposed, Coburn told Fox News’ Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Responding to the President’s claim that nobody has put forward an alternative, Coburn said, "That just isn’t true. We have the Patients’ Choice Act and now we have the Patients’ Care Act- all of them do what the Obama administration wanted to do."

Coburn also addressed Sen. Harry Reid’s (D., Nev.) remarks that Coburn is "very good at getting in the weeds and trying to find something that he thinks makes sense."

"That's probably a pretty good assumption- I do get down into the weeds- that's how you discover the what, fraud, abuse and stupidity in the federal government…"