DNC spox on ad: The point is 'Mitt Romney took away people's health care'

Democratic National Committee communications director Brad Woodhouse said Wednesday of controversial Priorities USA ad that "the point here is that Mitt Romney took away people's health care," in an interview on the Bill Press Radio Show.

PRESS: The question (Bill Burton) was asking about this today I saw was, what is factually inaccurate about this ad? The company was shut down. This guy--Joe somebody, I forget--

WOODHOUSE: Joe Soptic.

PRESS: (He) lost his job. His wife did get cancer. She did die of it. He lost his health care, he lost his pension--what's the lie?

WOODHOUSE: What the Republicans say, "She had a job. She had some of her own health insurance." But she did not have it at the time, and had this company still been in business, and Joe working for that business, he would have had the coverage to cover her. The point here is that Mitt Romney took away people's health care, took away people's pensions, took away people's retirement, took away people's jobs.

During the interview, Woodhouse said the DNC did not have any association with the Priorities ad.

"We have to be completely, legally, there’s a complete and absolute firewall. And they have often said that they don’t have control over the ads that their Super PACs are running, but then they turn it around and say President Obama should be held accountable for what our super PACs are doing," Woodhouse said. "Let me just say this, we had no control over that ad. We don’t know about the content of that ad. But, I think it is despicable that the Romney campaign is attacking that man."

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