Jewish Summer Camp Says It Will Conceal Kids’ ‘Transitions’ From Parents

Transgender rights protesters / Getty Images
July 12, 2023

A Jewish summer camp in Washington State is under fire after it announced it will help children keep gender transitions secret from their parents.

Camp Solomon Schechter, which boasts that it encourages campers to "try new things" and "grow as individuals," said in a statement on its website that it will hide any decisions on gender transitions from campers' families.

"If a camper or staff chooses to identify differently from how they do at home, whether that be using a different name or pronouns, if they decide to transition at camp, or if they choose to disclose their identity to a member of staff, this does not authorize Camp Solomon Schechter to share this information with their parents or guardians," the camp said on its website.

It added that all campers deserve "the right to discuss their gender identity openly."

Washington State law permits children to hide information surrounding gender identity transitions and other health care issues from their parents. Democrats passed a law earlier this year that allows the state to use resources to take in a child if they run away to Washington to avoid parents who oppose a transition.

The camp's announcement it would hide children's health issues from parents comes as more institutions, especially the Biden administration, embrace transgenderism and radical gender theory. The transgender assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, Rachel Levine, said last month that prohibiting sex changes for children is "regressive."