Psaki on Obama's Syria Reversal: 'Diplomacy and History Is Happening Before Your Eyes'

September 11, 2013

State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki commented on the impetus behind the Obama administration's about face in negotiations with the Russians over Syrian chemical weapons Wednesday in the State Department press conference.

When asked how such a quick turn of events is possible over the course of one week, Psaki replied "diplomacy and history is happening before your eyes":

ARIKAT: Who opened the door? Was it -- was it Secretary Kerry that opened the door, or was it the Russians that opened the door?

PSAKI: Well, I think it was a Russian statement that made clear about their interest in -- in their openness to providing -- to playing a role as a facilitator.

ARIKAT: Was it -- was it --

PSAKI: Let me just finish. But the history and context here is important, given that President Obama and President Putin discussed this all the way back to the G-20 last year, that Secretary Kerry discussed with President Putin and with Foreign Minister Lavrov back to Moscow, and they've discussed on regular occasions since then. Obviously, the events on August 21st have escalated the interest in -- their interest in playing a facilitator role.

ARIKAT: You know, Jen, I mean, I remember distinctly asking this question, asking it to you, last week, and it was completely dismissed as, you know, an impossibility. So what happened in the interim, like, four days?

PSAKI: Well, diplomacy and history is happening before your eyes, Said.