Miley Cyrus Can't Stop

Face of the GOP
June 20, 2013

Miley’s latest offering, "We Can’t Stop," is the spiritual sister to her breakthrough patriotic ode, "Party in the U.S.A." Miley may have cut and bleached her hair and traded in her jorts for a bodysuit, but she’s still the red blooded real American she's always been.

"We Can’t Stop" champions individual liberty, American exceptionalism, and low taxation.

The first frame of the video is Miley cutting off government surveillance. Rand Paul would be proud.

Only a true free market capitalist would brandish a gold-plated grill.

Americans are all about spending their money how they see fit. So if someone wants to eat their own paycheck, just go with it.
money sando

SNAP Challege: Aced.
snap challenge

Freedom, bruh.

She's just being American.