McGrath Cancels MSNBC Interview 'At the Last Minute' After Rocky Campaign Launch

She received backlash for flip-flopping on whether she would have supported Kavanugh's confirmation

July 15, 2019

Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Amy McGrath on Sunday cancelled her MSNBC interview after facing backlash earlier in the week for flip-flopping on whether she would have voted to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

McGrath was scheduled to appear on MSNBC's Kasie DC, but host Kasie Hunt said she "cancelled her appearance on our show at the last minute."

"Democrat and former fighter pilot Amy McGrath had quite a week after announcing her run against Senator Mitch McConnell in Kentucky," Hunt said. "First, she raised a record of $2.5 million on the first day of her campaign, but then she flipped her position twice in just one day on whether she would have voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court."

Hunt went on to detail McGrath's unsuccessful House campaign last year against Rep. Andy Barr (R., Ky.). While she raised $8.5 million during the campaign, she ended up losing by 3 percentage points.

"I was planning on asking McGrath about that race and her fight against Mitch McConnell tonight, but she cancelled her appearance on our show at the last minute," Hunt said. "That invitation does remain open and of course Mr. leader, we would welcome you, Senator McConnell, anytime as well."

During an interview with the Courier-Journal, McGrath was asked whether she would have voted for Kavanaugh to be on the Supreme Court.

"You know, I think that with Judge Kavanaugh, yeah, I probably would have voted for him," McGrath said.

The Washington Free Beacon noted how the Courier-Journal published the story online at 4:02 p.m, sparking backlash among progressives online. She would reverse her position by 7:30 p.m. on Twitter.

"I was asked earlier today about Judge Brett Kavanaugh and I answered based upon his qualifications to be on the Supreme Court," McGrath tweeted. "But upon further reflection and further understanding of his record, I would have voted no."

McGrath criticized Kavanaugh in a Facebook post last fall, saying he "has shown himself to be against women’s reproductive rights, workers’ rights, consumer protections, and will be among the most partisan people ever considered for the Court."

"Apparently, he will fall to the right of Gorsuch and Alito on ideology, and just to the left of the arch conservative Thomas," McGrath wrote. "Kavanaugh will likely be confirmed and we are starkly reminded, again, that elections have consequences, and this consequence will be with us for an entire generation."