House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul

Threat of Homegrown Extremism Grew Modestly in Past Three Months

U.S. has detected one homegrown incident since toppling ISIS in Mosul last month

August 3, 2017

Health Insurers in Idaho Request Premium Rate Hikes As High As 81%

Director of insurance says to stabilize the market and reduce rates, Congress should repeal and replace Obamacare

August 3, 2017

Anti-Trump Resistance Group Has a Trojan Horse in Utah Special Election

Chaffetz protesters helped Republican get on ballot, changing registration to vote for him in GOP primary

Feds Building Prototype in San Diego for the Wall

DHS waives environmental regs to build 15-mile wall in high-trafficked area

August 3, 2017

Senate Confirms Second GOP Board Member to NLRB

Kaplan appointment opens up possibility of GOP majority on three-member panels

August 2, 2017
Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power

Former U.N. Amb. Power Unmasked 'Hundreds' In Final Year Of Obama Admin

Congress moves closer to detailing potentially illicit national security leaks

August 2, 2017