Rachel Maddow's Big Unveiling of Trump's Tax Returns Was a Massive Letdown. These Tweets Show It

March 15, 2017

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow caused a media stir Tuesday when she sent out a tweet revealing that her show had obtained President Trump's tax returns and she was going to unveil them later that night.

CNN called Maddow's announcement of the "major scoop" an "epic buildup."

But the wind got somewhat taken out of Maddow's sails with a subsequent tweet less than an hour later clarifying that the tax returns in question were from 2005.




Maddow's clarification sparked accusations suggesting she had knowingly overhyped the situation.

To make matters worse for Maddow, the White House beat her to the punch on her own scoop and released figures from the 2005 returns, as well as a declaration stating that it is "totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns."

What happened next was a complete lambasting of Maddow on Twitter, as users mocked what one Washington Post reporter characterized as a "nothingburger" of an announcement.

The way Maddow delivered the news on her show also earned her some mockery.

Donald Trump Jr. even sent out a tweet referencing Maddow.

There were suggestions that Maddow had been "used" by Trump.

Even Maddow's own fanbase was critical.

CNN's Van Jones called it a "good night" for Donald Trump.