DNC Chair Refuses To Say Dem Candidates Share Obama's Policies

October 22, 2014

DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz struggled to disassociate Democratic candidates with President Obama’s policies on Wednesday’s Morning Joe.

Host Joe Scarborough grilled Wasserman Schultz over a "continuation of Barack Obama’s policies" that would ensue if Democrats win their respective elections. Wasserman Schultz became flustered and repeated the assertion that Obama is not on the ballot this year.

Here’s how she Deb-splained the 2014 election:

"Joe, Barack Obama was on the ballot in 2012 and in 2008," Wasserman Schultz said. "The candidates that are on the ballot are Democratic and Republican candidates for Congress, for the U.S. Senate, and governors across the country."

"But, Debbie, my question is--it’s a legitimate question, and there’s not a wrong answer," Scarborough said. "If you vote for Democrats, are you voting for a continuation of Barack Obama’s policies? He says yes, you are. Do you agree with the president?"

Wasserman Schultz dodged the core of the question once again and instead launched into a tirade against the Tea Party.

"If you vote for Democrats, you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around, and continuing to move us forward," Wasserman Schultz said. "If you vote for a Republican, you’re voting for someone who has embraced a Tea Party agenda, who would double down on obstruction, and who would stop us from moving forward."