Despite their financial struggles, the Clintons have become rich enough to take advantage of the one-percenter tax loopholes they once denounced as politicians.
How wealthy are they, exactly? Estimates range anywhere from $5 million (excluding the value of the their two mansions) to upwards of $100 million. Here a few figures to put their impressive fortune into context:
$51,000 – median household income in the United States
With that amount of money, you could buy…
15 minutes worth of a Hillary Clinton speech (the former first lady charges $200,000 for a one-hour speech)
4 minutes worth of a Bill Clinton speech (the former president earns as much as $750,000 per speech)
1 minute 56 seconds worth of "reporting" from NBC News special correspondent Chelsea Clinton (Business Insider reports that Clinton—who was paid an annual salary of $600,000 to, among other things, interview the GEICO gecko—earned approximately $27,000 per minute she appeared on air)
Chelsea Clinton's salary is...
More than 13 times the average salary for reporters in the commoner class
$100 million – amount Bill Clinton has earned (at minimum) from speaking gigs
that is...
More than half the gross domestic product of the Marshall Islands (population 52,000)
75 percent of the NFL salary cap for 2014
More than 3 times the estimated net worth of Creed vocalist Scott Stapp
More than 35 times the average lifetime earnings of Americans with a master's degree
2 hours, 1 minute – amount of work Hillary Clinton must perform to enter the top income tax bracket. It's also roughly the amount of work required to put her in the top one percent of earners.
100 – Percentage of Clinton family members who are one-percenters
$14 million – Hillary Clinton's book advance for Hard Choices
That is...
$233 per hardcover copy sold in the first week since the book’s release.
Twice the value of John Kerry's 76-foot luxury yacht, Isabel
More than 7.5 times the annual salary of NBA Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard
More than 55,000 times what Clinton was paid to defend a child rapist

Full disclosure: The Washington Free Beacon is an anti-Clinton website.