Bergdahl’s Former Roommate: He Needs to be Charged with Desertion
‘The facts tell me that Bergdahl's desertion was premeditated’
June 18, 2014
Cotton Rips White House for Bergdahl Deal
Cotton tells administration officials anonymously disparaging Bergdahl's unit to 'shut up'
June 18, 2014
Senor: Iraq, Syria Border Has ‘All the Attributes of Afghanistan Pre-9/11’
Senor: Syria and Iraq will become like Afghanistan, 'but on much more valuable real estate'
June 18, 2014
Ex-CIA Director: 'We Are at Risk of Losing Iraq'
Morell: Iraq may splinter and create 'an Al Qaeda safe haven'
June 18, 2014
Richard Engel: ISIS Targeting Oil Refineries, Airport
Engel: 'The battle lines in Iraq are once again drawn in faith'
June 18, 2014
Chuck Todd: WSJ/NBC Poll ‘Disaster for the President’
'Essentially, the public is saying your presidency is over'
June 18, 2014