Free Beacon USDA

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Espy Denied Employee's Promotion Due to Child's Preexisting Condition

Department of Agriculture lost disability discrimination fight during Espy's tenure

November 20, 2018

Former Agriculture Secretary Under Bill Clinton Enters Mississippi Senate Race

Democrats hope Mike Espy, who has history of corruption charges, can win them seat in deep South

April 9, 2018

Trump's WOTUS Repeal Has Yet to Help Modesto Farmer Who Faces $2.8 Million Fine for Plowing

Duarte: Trump has an opportunity to protect famers by settling the case for a nominal fee

July 1, 2017

Forest Service Owns 'National Junkyard' of Thousands of Unused Buildings

Audit: Buildings falling apart, covered in mold, rat droppings

May 26, 2017

Groups Seek to Use Anti-Regulatory Tool to Undo Obama-Era Land Restrictions

Congressional Review Act of 1996 could be used to free up millions of acres in the west

May 8, 2017

Let Them Eat Salt

Trump admin provides flexibility from Michelle Obama lunch rules

May 2, 2017

Feds Holding Summits for Lesbian Farmers

USDA wants to change image of farmers from ‘white, rich male’

August 16, 2016