The Latest

Court Strikes Down Federal Law Barring Pot Heads From Owning Guns

Biden admin still fought overturn despite support for decriminalization, arguing marijuana users are 'no different' than other felons

February 6, 2023

Drunk Dem: 'I Don't Remember' Harassing Tween Girls at Slumber Party

Abby Broyles told a blatant lie, then blatantly lied about lying

February 23, 2022

Report: Drunk Democrat Ruins Tween Slumber Party, Denies Everything

'It really was as bad as it sounds. She went from zonked out to attacking kids.'

February 18, 2022

Dark Money Group Behind Kendra Horn's Rise

Oklahoma Dem benefited from hundreds of thousands in anonymous donations

October 23, 2020

Oklahoma, J&J Reach End of First National Opioid Trial

The case is widely expected to be a bellwether for future litigation, either saving big pharma or spelling its doom

July 16, 2019

Oklahoma Becomes 15th Permitless Gun-Carry State

Second state this year to drop permits

February 28, 2019