Free Beacon Conor Lamb

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Biden Health Pick Forced Nursing Homes to Accept COVID Patients

Rachel Levine pulled mother from personal-care facility as elderly deaths ravaged state

January 19, 2021
Conor Lamb

Dem Campaign Intern Engaged in Possible Voter Intimidation

Intern: 'im about to see how alllllll you fuckers vote'

October 29, 2020
Conor Lamb

GOP Cites Numerous Issues at Polling Sites Ahead of Likely Pennsylvania Recount

Allegheny County election officials were criticized for failures last election cycle

March 14, 2018

Congressional Special Election in Pennsylvania Too Close to Call

Democrat Conor Lamb holds small lead over Republican Rick Saccone

March 13, 2018
Saccone Trump JR

GOP Hopes Tax Cut Bill is Sweet Spot in Western Pennsylvania

Saccone and Trump Jr. tour candy shop that gave out 80 new jobs thanks to tax bill

March 12, 2018
Conor Lamb

National Union Boss Hails Conor Lamb as 'God-Fearing, Gun-Owning Democrat'

Labor leaders work to bridge gap between Democratic Party and working-class voters

March 12, 2018
Democrat Conor Lamb

Conor Lamb Worked Behind Scenes to Quash Concerns Over Israel Comments

Lamb campaign now says he ‘evolved’ from position that Israel is guilty of terrorism

March 9, 2018