Veterans Liken Sandy Damage to War Zones

November 12, 2012

Veterans are reminded of war zones as they help out fellow veterans affected by Hurricane Sandy, CBS reported.

When Joseph DiGiovanni described areas ravaged by superstorm Sandy on New York's Staten Island, he compared it to devastation he's seen before.

"It looks like a war zone," he said. "We know what a war zone looks like, and it looks like a war zone."

DiGiovanni said some of the houses damaged in the storm look as though they’ve been bombed. He has spent the past several weeks handing out blankets, food, and water to the islands' 1,000 veterans.

Long Islander Dennis Sullivan also compared Sandy damage to a war zone.

"It was like I'm back in Vietnam," he said. "I was talking to this lady, and I wanted to cry."

Branches of Veterans of Foreign Wars are reaching out to veterans affected by Sandy and making sure aid is available to them.

The [New York branch disaster relief] fund recently received a $50,000 donation for VFW members who lost their homes during Sandy, Sullivan said. He split the donation up and has been handing out $500 each to veterans who suddenly found themselves homeless. …

"Obviously the city feels that these people served our country," said Heather Janik, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeless Services, "and we want to make sure that we're there for them."

As the Free Beacon has noted, other federal agencies have been far less helpful for those trying to get back on their feet after the storm.