Trump Questions Ruth Bader Ginsburg Mental Capacity

July 13, 2016

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told Fox News' Bret Baier in an interview Wednesday that he questions Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's mental capacity.

"For her to come out and to say the kind of things there is almost something wrong with her. I don't think anyone has ever seen that before," Trump said.

"So are you questioning her mental capacity?" Baier asked.

"Yeah, I think I am. I think I'm questioning perhaps her mental capacity," Trump said. "For her to do that was either a very dumb mistake. and she's been criticized by people who would always be on her side."

Ginsburg recently has become vocal in a series of interviews about her distaste for Trump and his presidential run. Ginsberg reflected that her late husband would say that it was time for them to move to New Zealand based off of the current political climate.

Trump demanded that Ginsberg should apologize to him and said that Ginsberg should even step down from her seat on the Supreme Court.

Typically, Supreme Court justices have a tradition of keeping silent on presidential races and do not have a legal requirement to remain silent. Even the left-leaning Editorial Board of the New York Times defended Trump with a piece stating that Ginsberg should have kept silent.

The Editorial Board of the Washington Post wrote that any politicization would undermine the public's faith in the impartiality of the courts. The Post's editorial board said that they did not admire Ginsberg's candor and considered it inconsistent with her role in the democratic system.