Bernie Sanders: Trump Voters Are Not 'Deplorable Folks'

April 3, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.,Vt.) said during a rally in Boston on Friday that he does not agree with people who think Donald Trump voters are "racists, and sexists, and homophobes, and just deplorable folks."

Sanders' organization Our Revolution hosted the rally at Boston's Orpheum theater, and featured Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.). During a speech that was interrupted more than once by "Bernie 2020" chants, Sanders paused to call out Hillary Clinton for her comments in September calling Trump voters "a basket of deplorables."

"Some people think that the people who voted for Trump are racists and sexists and homophobes, and just deplorable folks. I don't agree. I don't agree. Because I've been there," Sanders said.

Sanders went on to say that President Trump had not won the election, but Democrats had lost it. He declared that it was time for a "fundamental restructuring of the Democratic Party."