Parent Upset Over High School’s ‘Make Homecoming Great Again’ Theme

Donald Trump / AP
October 4, 2016

Students at New London High School in Wisconsin decided on their annual homecoming theme with the slogan "Make Homecoming Great Again," but the play on Donald Trump’s signature phrase has left at least one parent upset.

Maria Turner, a parent of a New London High School student, expressed concern over the politically themed event, the Post-Crescent reported Tuesday.

"When you’re trying to promote an inclusive environment for all students, you certainly stay away from anything related to politics because we know politics are divisive," Turner. "They don’t bring people together–and that includes children within a school setting."

Turner said she is worried the Trump-related theme would discourage students who were not supporting Trump from speaking up in class.

Both students and school administrators had to agree to the homecoming theme, according to the Post-Crescent.

The student council narrows down the theme each year and votes on it, said Brian Yerkey, associate principal and athletic director. Their selection then goes to the administration for approval.

There are general guidelines the themes have to contend with, such as no tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.

There is nothing specifically prohibiting students from choosing a political theme. Yerkey said he could not remember another time when the homecoming tag line had a political spin.

Yerkey stated that students have shown an interest in this year’s election and chose the theme after student input.

"Part of our job is to get kids ready for careers and situations outside of high school, so if they have conversations about politics I think that’s an OK thing," Yerkey said after being approached by the concerned parent.

The high school has said that its festivities will not promote either candidate but will feature the slogan on fliers and posters for the event.

Published under: Donald Trump