New Polls Show Major GOP Momentum In Midterm Races

Battleground races for the U.S. Senate are turning more red according to new Fox News polls. The nonpartisan polls conducted jointly by Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company (R) show Republicans leading in five key races.

The polls show Republican candidates are leading by significant margins in Arkansas, Colorado, Alaska, Kentucky, and Kansas:

Kansas: Sen. Pat Roberts (R) leading Greg Orman (I) by 5 points
Arkansas: Rep. Tom Cotton (R) leading Sen. Mark Pryor (D) by 7 points
Alaska: Dan Sullivan (R) leading Sen. Mark Begich (D) by 4 points
Colorado: Rep. Cory Gardner (R) leading Sen. Mark Udall (D) by 6 points
Kentucky: Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) leading Alison Lundergren-Grimes (D) by 4 points

"If the election was held today, the Republicans would control the U.S. Senate," Fox News host Bret Baier said Wednesday.

Republicans need to unseat six incumbent Democrats to win a majority in the Senate.