Former Dem Spokesman Joins Third Place Network

December 20, 2012

Jake Tapper, a former aide to Democratic congresswoman and Clinton in-law Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky, has joined CNN as an anchor and chief Washington correspondent, according to CNN’s press office.

Accomplished Washington journalist Jake Tapper, who has served the last four years as ABC’s senior White House correspondent and is a best-selling author, joins CNN as anchor of a new weekday program and CNN’s chief Washington correspondent, it was announced today by Ken Jautz, executive vice president of CNN/U.S.

Tapper has been a widely-respected reporter in the nation’s capital for 14 years and his most recent book, The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor, is currently on The New York Times best seller list. In his new role at CNN, he will be a key Washington, D.C. anchor and correspondent for CNN.

Tapper got his big break when his former girlfriend was caught fellating a sitting President, giving Tapper an inside track on one of the biggest stories of the late 1990s. He is perhaps best known for incorrectly reporting that Sarah Palin belonged to the Alaskan Independence Party.

Tapper's partisan past frequently shines through in his reporting. Yesterday, he called out Obama over the administration’s failure to combat gun violence. Tapper used to work for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.