Dem Rep Cites Her Impeachment Support as Example of 'Strong Leadership in Congress'

March 11, 2018

California Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (D.) cited her support of continued debate on impeaching President Donald Trump as a form of "strong leadership" on Sunday.

The impeachment campaign by some congressional Democrats against Trump has been opposed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who views it as a distraction.

Trump stated at a rally Saturday night that he won 52 percent of the woman vote in 2016, but that number only referred to white women. Trump overwhelmingly lost the minority woman vote to Hillary Clinton, who took 54 percent of the woman vote overall.

MSNBC host Al Sharpton said Trump "conveniently dismissed" women of color who voted in the election as he interviewed Barragán. Barragán said it was an example of Trump not being trustworthy and attacking the female and immigrant communities.

"I'm one of 66 Democrats who voted to continue to have a debate on impeachment for this president," she said. "And I think that's what we need, strong leadership in Congress, something that I've doing for the last 14 months, and something that I hope to continue to do."