Cleveland Bar Patrons Boo Franken When They Think He Called the Town Ugly

July 21, 2016

Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.) learned Thursday the importance of precision of language when he appeared to insult the entire city of Cleveland for being "ugly" and joked the people were "dumb."

However, when he was booed loudly by the bar where MSNBC's Morning Joe was broadcasting, he insisted he was referring to the rhetoric from the Republican National Convention.

"What are some of your bigger concerns about what you're seeing in Cleveland?" host Joe Scarborough asked.

"Just how ugly it is," Franken said.

The crowd booed loudly, prompting Scarborough to turn around and insist Franken didn't mean the city itself.

"My God! You are so oversensitive!" co-host Mika Brzezinski yelled.

"Stop being so sensitive!" Scarborough shouted.

Franken did some damage control and yelled out that it was a "beautiful town." Scarborough joked that he made one comment about garbage piled up in their streets and got similar treatment.

"They're very easy though ... but dumb," Franken said. "I think maybe I just stepped in it again. But smart, really smart. OK, that one they didn't go for."

Scarborough buried his head in his hands after Franken's "dumb" remark, and the Minnesota Democrat finally won the crowd over by praising the Cleveland Indians and world champion Cleveland Cavaliers.