Chuck Todd: Clinton's Been in a Bubble for 23 Years, Campaign Worried She's 'Not Approachable'

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd said the Clinton campaign is worried Hillary Clinton is "not approachable" because she has been in a bubble for 23 years.

"There's an idea she's not an approachable person," Todd said. "When you've been in a secret service bubble for 23 years as she has been, it sometimes can be very easy to get comfortable inside the bubble. So I think part of this is not just about making her appear more approachable; I think part of this is getting her more comfortable outside of the bubble."

In an attempt to appear more approachable, the Clinton campaign released a video of her talking to "real" people in Brooklyn.

"However, let's not start talking about Brooklyn as ‘real America’ here. Brooklyn is hipster capital of the world these days. It's not exactly Iowa," said Todd.

The Rundown host José Díaz-Balart also said Clinton has not made herself approachable to the press. Since Clinton announced her presidential campaign more than a month ago, she hasn’t done a single press interview and has taken just a handful of questions.

"Since Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for president, there has been a Clinton who has taken quite a few questions from the press. That Clinton, though, is Bill, not Hillary," Todd said.

"He has taken 39 questions, I believe, in various televised and on-camera questions from members of the media and that includes his letterman appearance, and of course our own colleagues Cynthia McFadden and Christiane Amanpour. So in the same time since Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy, the Clinton that has taken more questions is Bill, not Hillary. 39 to 9.  I think that's something they need to figure out how to correct."