Chelsea Clinton agreed to meet with pro-Second Amendment Parkland shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv after he tweeted at her Monday looking for ways to "mend the American divide."
Since the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14 that left 17 dead, many of its students have made extensive media appearances calling for stronger gun control laws and offered blistering criticism of the National Rifle Association and pro-gun rights politicians.
Kashuv has mainly received attention from conservative media outlets due to his support for gun rights. He tweeted at Clinton, "Would love to meet with you while I am in NYC this week. Can we make that happen? Would love to discuss ways to mend the American divide?"
.@ChelseaClinton Would love to meet with you while I am in NYC this week. Can we make that happen? Would love to discuss ways to mend the American divide.
Kyle— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 5, 2018
Clinton responded, "I’m traveling much of the week as my book #ShePersisted Around the World comes out tomorrow. Could we find a time when you’re back in New York or I’m in South Florida? I will follow you so we can sort out logistics via DM. Sending you and all #Parkland students my love."
Hi Kyle - I’m traveling much of the week as my book #ShePersisted Around the World comes out tomorrow. Could we find a time when you’re back in New York or I’m in South Florida? I will follow you so we can sort out logistics via DM. Sending you and all #Parkland students my love.
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) March 6, 2018
Kashuv was delighted, saying it was "what bipartisanship looks like" and saying he looked forward to talking with Clinton about "real change."
This is what bipartisanship looks like! We can come together!
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 6, 2018
Many people were telling me that bipartisanship is dead and no one would reply to my call for unity, but this Tweet from @ChelseaClinton proves that isn't the case. I can't wait to meet you and talk real change.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 6, 2018
Kashuv told Town Hall writer Guy Benson that he wanted to meet with legislators and remind them not to forget about Second Amendment supporters.
"I'm a very strong Second Amendment supporter and I will continue to be throughout this entire campaign," he said. "As of right now, my main goal is to meet with legislators and represent to them that there are big Second Amendment supporters in our community. Through this entire thing, my number one concern has been making sure that the rights of innocent Americans aren't infringed upon."