Anthony Weiner Praises James Comey in Tweet

Anthony Weiner
Anthony Weiner/ REUTERS / Mike Segar
July 5, 2016

Anthony Weiner appeared to praise the fairness of FBI Director James Comey in a tweet on Tuesday, quipping he is a "partisan hack" but cannot "figure out [for] which party."

Comey delivered a 15-minute statement on Tuesday laying out harsh criticism of Hillary Clinton’s conduct at the State Department with her private email server and the atmosphere of carelessness with classified information that she presided over. Although Comey concluded that the FBI would not recommend charges against Clinton, he derailed the presumptive Democratic nominee’s talking points about never sending classified material over the server and said it was possible that her recklessness had allowed foreign agents to hack her system.

Weiner, who is married to close Clinton aide Huma Abedin, tweeted shortly after Comey's statement concluded.

Weiner resigned from his New York seat in the House of Representatives in 2011 over a sexting scandal, when it was revealed he had sent lewd photos of himself to other women online. Weiner sought a political comeback by running for New York City mayor in 2013, but his campaign derailed when he once again was caught engaging in such behavior.