Some in Jewish Community Advocate Bearing Arms After Pittsburgh

'Anti-Semitism is here. Evil is here. We need to pray for the best but be prepared for the worst.'

California's Gas-Tax Repeal 'Too Close to Call' in Final Stretch

After $47 million in negative ads, late poll finds 44 support, 41 oppose

November 6, 2018
Young Kim

In 'Craziest House Race,' GOP's Young Kim Touts Independence, Connection to Voters

Cisneros runs against Trump's immigration, health care policies

November 6, 2018

Ellison Hit Again for Domestic Violence Allegations

#2 Democrat's attorney general campaign dogged by abuse charges

November 6, 2018
voting booth

U.S. Set for Harsh Response to Foreign Election Meddling

Outgoing NSC chief of staff warns foreign states of 'dire consequences' for interference in midterms

November 6, 2018
John James

Michigan Reporter on John James Potentially Winning Senate Election: 'That Would Suck'

Reporter caught on tape ripping Republican candidate after leaving a voicemail asking for an interview

November 5, 2018

Pelosi Says She's Democrat Best Fit for Speaker: 'I'm Really Good at What I Do'

Minority leader on letting Hoyer be House speaker for a week: 'That can't be a serious question'

November 5, 2018