Plagiarist Not Worried About Global Instability

Political analyst and confirmed plagiarist Fareed Zakaria is not concerned about the unraveling geopolitical situation under President Obama. In a Washington Post article published Thursday, Zakaria observed that the world "seems very messy these days." However, he’s not worried, writing that it is not "the worst of times."

Today’s world is unpredictable, but it doesn’t compare with the kinds of geopolitical dangers that existed for decades during the Cold War, not to mention before that period. Still, it’s worth understanding what is producing this instability today.

In Eastern Europe, the key driver is that the Ukrainian people have decided that they do not want to live under the Kremlin’s thumb. That has produced tensions, but it is because people are demanding genuine independence from an old imperial system. That’s a positive development, however much it complicates life.

In East Asia, we are witnessing one of the oldest stories in history, the rise of a new great power. Is it really so surprising that China, the world’s second-largest economy, is seeking more political influence in its region?

In both these cases, the Obama administration has handled the challenges reasonably well, pushing back in a careful but determined manner, coordinating policy with allies and ensuring that the tensions do not get out of hand or spill over into active conflict.

Zakaria concedes that the Obama administration has been "less successful dealing with the larger Middle East, the area of greatest turmoil," but notes that the Middle East is very challenging; even a gifted orator like Obama cannot bring stability to the region.