2018 Man of the Year: Kanye West

Kanye White House
Getty Images
December 30, 2018

It's the defining fashion statement of our time, but the Make America Great Again hat's meaning and power hadn't been fully plumbed until Kanye West's Oval Office visit. Thanks to his historic IQ and spiritual attunement, Kanye expanded the minds of the nation by harnessing the masculine energy of President Trump's humble red hat. The result was such a powerful demonstration of hidden truths that the media twisted Kanye's words, mocking him for what they know in their hearts to be right.

This is typical for Kanye, who has been intentionally misunderstood ever since he started backing the president. By speaking directly to the American people in a 20-minute philosophical exposition, Kanye got his message out, however, and the result was the latest chapter in America's distinct tradition of transcendentalist thought.

Moving seamlessly from multiverse theory to sociology to mental health and education reform, Kanye made Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau proud. In an oration that will be read by school children the way Emerson's "Self-Reliance" has been for decades, Kanye connected America's economic destiny to its social one, and in so doing confounded the ignorant journalists in the room. Fortunately, Trump was attentive to every word, allowing the two men to feed on one another's dragon energy.

Connecting all of Kanye's theses together—that time is a myth, that big pharma will make more money if it addresses more health problems, that his insults toward George W. Bush were just liberal brainwashing—was the MAGA hat atop his head and in his heart. It's how he felt connected to his lost father, his favorite superhero, and of course, the leader of the free world. And he simply wants his fellow Americans to experience the same joy and fulfillment.

For showing America that it's not just a red hat, Kanye West is a Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year.

Published under: Men of the Year