Israel Says Iran Directing Terrorist Attacks Against Israeli Embassies in Europe

May 30, 2024

Iran has directed several terrorist attacks against Israeli embassies in Europe since Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack, Israel's Mossad said in a statement on Thursday.

The Israeli intelligence agency said criminals at Iran’s behest threw airsoft grenades toward Israel’s embassy in Belgium last week and that two Iranian-backed criminal groups—Foxtrot and Rumba—targeted the Israeli embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, according to the Times of Israel.

"Foxtrot and Rumba receive funding and direction directly from Iran, the Mossad alleged, and are closely monitored by European intelligence," the outlet reported.

The Foxtrot crime ring in January allegedly planted a hand grenade inside the Stockholm embassy, while Rumba is said to be responsible for gunshots fired late at night on May 17 near the building. 

The Mossad accused Iran of "operat[ing] many criminal organizations in Sweden and Europe in general" and "taking advantage of the relative advantage of each and sometimes the rivalry between them."

The Swedish Security Service has confirmed the Mossad’s Thursday claims, noting that Sweden "has in recent years dealt with several concrete cases where assassination plans linked to Iranian security services were averted, where, among other things, criminal networks were used as proxies."

"Sweden must not be a platform for the security-threatening activities of Iran or other states," the security agency added.