Suspected K.C. Shooter is a Vocal Anti-Semite

Shooter calls Jews ‘ugly kikes’

The suspected Kansas City Passover shooter was being monitored by Jewish groups since at least the 1980s and has published a voluminous amount of anti-Semitic material online, according to portions of his past writings obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Glenn Miller, a former KKK leader and white power activist, is accused of gunning down three Jewish individuals Sunday on the eve of the Passover holiday in an attack that appears to be motivated by anti-Semitism.

Miller, who was named by news outlets as the primary suspect in the shooting at two Jewish centers, has long been an outspoken anti-Semite and racist provocateur, according to his past writings, which have been on the radar for Jewish groups since the 1980s.

In one 2010 posting on the Vanguard News Network Forum (VNN), Miller—who is also known as Frazier Glenn Cross—discusses a run in with "two extremely ugly kikes" during a talk at the Missouri State University.

"The two extremely ugly kikes, one fat one skinny, did not deny a single charge I made against the Jews," wrote a man who identifies as Glenn Miller. "Their several questions were incredibly stupid, really."

"They did remain defiant with frowns the whole time, though," he added. "Noses stuck up in the air as if to as if to dare me to do something about Jewish atrocities."

Miller apparently got into an altercation with one of the attendees.

"The skinny kike and I got so heated at one point, I raised up and blurted out, ‘Hell yes, I hate you and all Jews, and you all deserve my hate for what your people have done to mine."

Jews also should be blamed for the Holocaust, Miller implied, writing that he called his inquisitor "a typical Jew liar."

"Heil Hitler!!!" Miller wrote in signing off.

Miller also appears to have operated a site called "The White Patriot Party: A White Man Speak Out."

The website includes a book written by Miller in which he claims to "speak out for White America."

The Kansas City attacks were reported to have taken place "within minutes" of each other outside two Jewish centers, according to CBS.

The gunman shot two people in the parking lot of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City. The suspect then drove to a nearby retirement village called Village Shalom and killed another person.

Published under: Anti-Semitism