Hey Jim Sciutto, Here's How 'Brutal' Late-Night Comics Were to Barack Obama

November 20, 2017

Previewing Brian Stelter's Monday night special on late-night comedy in the Donald Trump era, CNN anchor Jim Sciutto made this unintentionally humorous observation.

"Late-night comedy's always been somewhat brutal with presidents, politicians," he said, before going on to say it's been more "biting" in the Trump era.

Sciutto's defintion of brutal included Seth Meyers calling Barack Obama "the cool cousin," Stephen Colbert allowing Obama to take over hosting his show, Trevor Noah calling Obama an "inspiration," Jimmy Fallon writing him an on-air "thank-you" note for his presidency, Samantha Bee giving him an on-air fist bump after he made the case to vote for Hillary Clinton, and Saturday Night Live literally singing him a good-bye song and calling him the "world's best president."

Comedy in the Obama era was definitely "brutal," but maybe not the way Sciutto meant it.