The Latest

Chaos at Columbia: Pro-Hamas Students Block Entry To Campus, Vandalize Statue on First Day of Classes

New ‘actionist’ group, Unity of Fields, vows to bring violence to America

September 3, 2024

House Committee Drops Subpoena on Columbia as Part of Anti-Semitism Probe

Request could shed light on university’s decision to ease off on discipline for arrested students

August 21, 2024

The Accountability-Free University

At Columbia, students storm and occupy a university building scot-free

‘A Huge Conflict of Interest’: Two Professors on Columbia’s Top Disciplinary Body Participated in Encampment, Photos Suggest

Joseph Slaughter and Susan Bernofsky are helping the university rewrite its rules on unlawful protests. They also took part in one.

August 16, 2024

Federal Judge Slams UCLA for Standing By as Jewish Students Were Barred From Parts of Campus

‘This fact is so unimaginable and abhorrent,’ Judge Mark Scarsi wrote

August 14, 2024