American Student Group Plans International 'Day of Resistance' To Support Hamas Terrorists

A template ad for National Students for Justice In Palestine's planned "day of resistance" event (National Students for Justice in Palestine).
October 10, 2023

A far-left American student group on Thursday will host "day of resistance" events on college campuses worldwide in support of the Islamic terrorist group Hamas, in what it calls a challenge to "Zionist hegemony."

National Students for Justice in Palestine announced the "international" campaign on Monday and celebrated Hamas’s attacks "which disrupted the very foundation of Zionist settler society," according to an internal document obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The "Day of Resistance Toolkit" explicitly endorses violence Hamas terrorists have inflicted on Israeli citizens, calling the group’s invasion a "historic win for the Palestinian resistance." The massacres of civilians, the National Students for Justice in Palestine says, is "reminding each of us that total return and liberation to Palestine is near."

"Glory to our resistance, to our martyrs, and to our steadfast people," the document reads.

Over 1,000 Israeli civilians and at least 11 American citizens were killed in Hamas’s unprompted attack on Israel. Thousands more are injured, with on-the-scene reports describing instances of rape against Israeli women who attended an outdoor concert near Israel’s border with Gaza. Israeli officials have reported that Hamas terrorists have beheaded and otherwise murdered Israeli children and babies.

National Students for Justice in Palestine says the "day of resistance" will occur on college campuses across "occupied Turtle Island," an apparent reference to the belief held by some Native Indians that the world rests on the back of a giant turtle. Participants are told to help "normalize the resistance," which is "morally and politically necessary."

The toolkit includes ad templates for affiliate groups to distribute. One of the ads includes a drawing of a man on a parasail, which Hamas terrorists used to circumvent Israel's border defenses at the onset of the invasion.

National Students for Justice in Palestine did not respond to a request for comment.

"As the diaspora-based student movement for Palestine liberation, our responsibility is to not only support, but struggle alongside our people back home," the document reads. "The forces of Zionism engage in media campaigns which attack our people and resistance from all sides."

The group predicts Hamas will ultimately prevail over Israel and destroy the Jewish state. Through a "Unity Intifada," the document reads, "Palestine will be liberated from the river to the sea."

Students for Justice in Palestine was founded in 1992 at the University of California, Berkeley claims to have started more than 200 "Palestine solidarity organizations on college campuses," according to its website. Although primarily concerned with destroying Israel, the group’s goals extend to creating "a political framework that addresses collective liberation from Palestine to the Rio Grande."

"We believe the struggle for a free Palestine is also the struggle for Black liberation, gender and sexual freedom, and a livable and sustainable planet," the group’s website reads. "All pursuits for freedom, justice, and equality are materially connected and require us to struggle against state violence, colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism, in all of their forms."

Little else is known about National Students for Justice in Palestine, including where it gets the bulk of its funding. American Muslims for Palestine provided a $100,000 grant to the group in 2014, and its chief fundraiser appears to be University of California, Berkeley Islamic Studies professor Hatam Bazian, according to a report from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

National Students for Justice in Palestine has maintained ties with Islamic terrorists, including Khader Adnan, a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Rasmea Odeh, former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Both spoke at the Students for Justice in Palestine’s 2018 national conference.