'South Park' and the Fraternity of PC

'No problematic language here bro wooooo'
September 18, 2015

This week's South Park was, unsurprisingly, pretty fantastic. You can watch the whole episode here. I could quibble about the uber-timeliness of the subject matter (it might not age well) or the on-the-nose quality of the closing moments (the cake was a nice touch, if a bit much). But the master stroke was recasting so-called "social justice warriors" not as smelly hippies or craven professors but as rampaging fratbros.

That clip is just right. It is a perfectly satirical summation not only of the PC mindset, which is oriented entirely around pouncing on linguistic misunderstandings ("Did someone just refer to Caitlyn Jenner as 'it'?") and disagreements ("She's a stunning, beautiful woman, and if you wanna call her anything else, I'm ready to fuckin' throw down!"), but also of PC culture. It is almost exactly like being in a fraternity.

Think about it. PC culture emanates from the universities, just like fratbro culture. PC culture is centered around mastering codewords and lingo ("trigger warnings," "microaggressions," "WOC," etc) so as to create a sense of fellowship and belonging, just like fratbro culture. PC culture is centered around creating a critical mass of people who can descend on anyone who disrespects them, just like fratbro culture. Even the idea of congregating in a group home together where they can share their progressive ideals—just like fratbros!—is spot on; who among us hasn't had a good laugh at a Craigslist post about a group house looking for a progressive vegan lgbt-friendly no-tv-watching bike-commuting roomie? Fraternities are also largely white and affluent and interested in signaling—just like, well, you know.

The fraternity of PC has chapters on virtually every college campus and its alums are now working in virtually every industry. Their power should not be underestimated.