More Bad News for Hillary

Voters not convinced that wealthy homeowner can feel their pain

July 23, 2014

A new poll from The Economist/YouGov does not look good for elderly homeowner Hillary Clinton, a potential challenger to Joe Biden in the 2016 Democratic primary.

Her favorability rating continues to slide. According to the poll, 46 percent of American view Clinton favorably, compared to 45 percent who view her unfavorably.

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More Americans don't want her to run for president than do.

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It seems that Americans are not convinced that an elderly career politician who hasn't driven a car in decades, and who gets paid millions of dollars to give speeches to corporations, feels their pain.

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This is why her massive fortune matters. Her ties to the Beltway/Wall Street establishment have only deepened since Democratic primary voters rejected her in 2008. She has profited from these ties, and used them to advance her own political career. She speaks in rehearsed, poll-tested gibberish, and laughs like a maniac. No one can honestly claim that Hillary's capacity to relate to the struggles of average Americans is any greater than Mitt Romney. Can they?

Get ready, America.

Joe Biden