The Future Liberals Want: National Spelling Bee Ends in 8-Way Tie

Is winning no longer valued in America?

May 31, 2019

American voters were so fed up with President Barack Obama's ideological aversion to winning that they elected Donald J. Trump, a self-made billionaire family man who campaigned on an explicit promise to revive the concept of winning and Making American Great Again. 

As president, Trump has managed to dismantle nearly every facet of Obama's so-called "legacy," but he has yet to eradicate the putrid stain of "victory ambivalence" his predecessor and the liberal establishment inflicted upon the nation.

Need evidence? Look no further than the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which "concluded" on Thursday by crowning eight co-champions in an unprecedented tie after the tournament ran out of challenging words.

All eight contestants, who posed together for a photo with the "championship" trophy, will receive the full "winner's prize" of $50,000 after correctly spelling the final 47 words in the competition.

The result is an affront to American history, and the Founding Fathers who birthed this great nation by signing a declaration of independence, not codependence, and actually winning the Revolutionary War against the tyrant King George and his army of redcoats.

This is the future liberals want—a world in which "participation" awards are doled out to anyone who shows up to collect their food and carbon rations at their local government welfare agency.

President Trump, deliver us from this scourge of mediocrity.

Published under: Parody , Satire