Here's a pro-tip for all you budding citizen journalists: Whenever a man on the street package includes a man holding a microphone up to a guy dressed up in a "Holy Bible" costume and he says "Hey Bible guy, can we talk to you for a second?" you know you've got gold.
And that's what Dan Joseph of MRCTV has with his latest video encounters with anti-Israeli protesters in Washington, D.C.
Andrew Breitbart was the brilliant man who discovered that walking into a line of left-wing protesters with a camera and asking them simple questions about the cause they are chanting about will reveal more about the left than any white paper from a Beltway think-tank. And Joseph's foray into the Pro-Palestinian march Wednesday does just that.
Some of the highlights:
A woman holding a Palestinian flag says Israel only has the right to defend itself against an army of equal strength. When Joseph responds to the assertion with incredulity the woman asks (rhetorically, we think) "would it be okay for Israel to come in and bomb Rockville (a Maryland suburb of DC)? Rockville doesn’t have a military."
A dude wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh like a fashion accessory (the keffiyeh is the scarf made popular by murdering terrorist and Nobel peace prize winner Yasser Arafat) reminded Joseph that Hamas was the democratically elected government in Gaza so "let's not treat them like a crazy fringe group." When Joseph asked if he thought Hamas was a terrorist organization he equivocated, "If Hamas is a terrorist organization then the USA is a terrorist organization. I believe the USA is the BIGGEST terrorist organization," he concluded.
And finally, the aforementioned "Bible Guy," a Quaker, Joseph discovers, who was motivated to take a cardboard box and decorate it like a Bible, cut slits for his eyes and mouth, and march on a warm July afternoon holding a sign that read "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" "Bible Guy" summed up the Israeli/Palestinian conflict like this: "You keep pushing and pushing and pushing people, finally sometimes they snap."
To which Joseph, glancing at the outlandish costume ironically replies "Yeah, wouldn't want anybody to snap. God knows what they might do."
It's hilarious, truly. Until you notice the shirt one of the more virulent protesters was wearing. It has a drawing of Che' Guevera wearing a keffiyeh and holding up his arm in a "peace gesture" with the words "Palestina Libre."
The global issue may shift from region to region. Today it's Gaza, yesterday it was Cuba and Vietnam, tomorrow it could be the U.S.-Mexico border. But the philosophy and tactics remain the same on the Left. Glorify violence, murder, and death as long as the end result is the destruction of democracy, capitalism, and America.