President Joe Biden's failed presidency is almost over. America will soon be rid of the doddering jerkwad from Delaware who has held elected office for nearly five decades. Now is as good a time as any to reflect on the defining aspect of Biden's legacy: He is and always has been a belligerent and narcissistic a—hole consumed by bitterness and resentment.
Over the weekend, for example, Biden snapped at reporters after an event at the White House. "My being the oldest president," he huffed in response to an unrelated question about President-elect Donald Trump's proposed immigration reforms, "I know more world leaders than any one of you ever met in your whole goddamn life." It was the most recent of many examples of Biden lashing out indignantly or threatening to commit violence after being asked a perfectly reasonable question.

During a meeting with Israeli president Isaac Herzog on Nov. 12, a reporter asked Biden about the prospects for negotiating a hostage deal with Hamas by the end of his term. Rather than answer the question directly, the president issued a peevish retort: "Do you think you can keep from getting hit in the head by the camera behind you?" Weeks earlier, Biden berated a reporter who asked about inflation. "My policies are working," he seethed while furrowing his botoxed brow. "Start writing that way, OK?" The outburst was reminiscent of another incident in 2019 when Biden scolded Fox News reporter Peter Doocy for failing to "ask the right question." During a separate outburst in 2022, also prompted by a question about inflation, Biden called Doocy a "stupid son of a bitch."
In June of last year, Biden appeared to challenge a Time magazine journalist to a fight during a rambling interview with the once-respected publication. Asked about widespread voter concern that he was too old to serve another term as president, Biden was characteristically indignant. "I can do it better than anybody you know," he fumed. "You're looking at me, I can take you too." As a candidate for president in 2019, Biden similarly threatened to physically dominate an Iowa voter who questioned his fitness for office. "Look, the reason I'm running is because I’ve been around a long time and I know more than most people know," he ranted self-righteously. "You want to check my shape, let's do push-ups together. Let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do."

Biden's contempt for American voters is almost as strong as his contempt for journalists, who are at least somewhat deserving of contempt. When a Detroit autoworker challenged Biden's stance on gun control in 2020, Biden called the hardworking American a "horse's ass" who was "full of shit." He ridiculed an Iowa man for being "a damn liar" as well as "fat" after the concerned voter asked about his son Hunter Biden's connection to Ukrainian oligarchs. Years later, Biden would pardon Hunter for all the federal crimes he may have committed over an 11-year period, despite repeatedly insisting to the American people he would not out of a steadfast commitment to the rule of law.
After somehow getting elected president, Biden began to vent his rage at White House staff. According to Vanity Fair, aides tasked with briefing President Biden were often "scared shitless," and would go to "great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction." Axios reported that Biden's "quick-trigger temper" and expletive-filled rants became so frightening that many staffers tried to "avoid meeting alone with him."
According to the National Institute on Aging, individuals suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease "may become agitated or aggressive as the disease gets worse." But that doesn't mean Biden's cognitive decline is to blame for his uncivilized behavior. He's been acting like an a—hole for decades. During his first run for president in 1987, when he was only 45, Biden insulted a teacher in New Hampshire who asked about his numerous plagiarism controversies. "I think I have a much higher IQ than you, I suspect," Biden raged at the concerned citizen. He proceeded to spout off a dizzying array of false statements about his academic record.
Only two more weeks until Biden leaves office in disgrace. Good riddance to this arrogant jerk.