FACT CHECK: GOP Rep Calls Rashida Tlaib ‘Disgusting Person’ Who ‘Has No Business Serving' in Congress

The Hamas-supporting Democrat refuses to retract lie that Israel bombed hospital in Gaza

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October 19, 2023

Claim: Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) is a "disgusting person" who "has no business serving in the House of Representatives" because she refuses to retract the "vile, disgusting lie" that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday.

Who said it: Rep. Mike Lawler (R., N.Y.), during a Thursday morning appearance on Fox News.

Context: Tlaib on Tuesday promoted unverified claims from Palestinian officials that hundreds were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a Baptist hospital in Gaza. "Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients) just like that," she wrote.

Those claims have since been debunked as disinformation. All evidence indicates that a rocket fired from Gaza toward Israel by Islamic Jihad terrorists malfunctioned (whoopsie!) and landed in a parking lot near the hospital. No reliable source has been able to determine how many people were killed in the explosion.

Nevertheless, Tlaib persisted in accusing Israel of bombing the hospital. "We just continue to watch people think it’s okay to bomb a hospital. With children," she said Wednesday during a speech at an anti-Israel rally in Washington, D.C. "We are literally watching people commit genocide and killing vast majorities just like this."

Tlaib repeatedly declined to retract her false statements when asked by National Review reporter John McCormack.

Analysis: Tlaib is an unapologetic anti-Semite who pals around with terrorist sympathizers (to put it kindly). Continuing to promote debunked anti-Israel propaganda is exactly the sort of thing a disgusting person who is unfit to hold federal office would do.

Verdict: We rate Lawler's claim Zero Clintons for factual accuracy and 4 Weeping Washingtons, also for factual accuracy.