Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

Judge Denies Efforts to Block Citizenship Verification of New Voters in Three States

Liberal groups sought to stop Kansas, Georgia, and Alabama from verifying citizenship status of newly registered voters

July 1, 2016
Elizabeth Warren

Warren’s Top Donors Include Individuals From Firms That Represent Corporations

Received hundreds of thousands of dollars from individuals in securities and investments; Wall Street lawyers

June 28, 2016

Luis Gutierrez Paid His Wife Over $300,000 From Campaign Funds

Illinois congressman also paid daughters thousands from campaign stash

June 20, 2016
cash money

Watchdog Investigates Dem Firm’s $14 Million in Government Contracts

Consulting firm that worked for President Obama’s campaign awarded contracts from CFPB

June 17, 2016

Dubai-Based For-Profit
Educator Paid Bill Clinton $5.6 Million After CGI Partnership

GEMS Education donated millions to Clinton Foundation after Bill named honorary chair

June 15, 2016