Free Beacon Hunter Lovell

Hunter Lovell is a 2018 investigative reporting intern for the Washington Free Beacon. He is a rising senior at Louisiana State University studying political communication with minors in political science and business. Hunter has worked as a sports anchor, reporter and producer for LSU’s student-run television station, Tiger TV. He has also written several news stories for the school newspaper, the Daily Reveille. Hunter is a three-time Society of Professional Journalist finalist and received third place for AP Best College Sports Story in 2016.

Working-age Illinois Residents Are Fleeing the State Amid Debt Crisis

Illinois experienced 28 percent slower income growth than the rest of the United States from 2015 to 2016

June 26, 2018
Afghan Taliban militants walk as they took to the street to celebrate ceasefire

Afghan Unrest, Taliban Attacks Leave Lawmakers Pessimistic

Admin: Peace talks 'offer is on the table' for Taliban

June 21, 2018
Rep. Steve Scalise

Scalise Returns From DL (Gunshot Wound)

Feature: At Congressional baseball game, GOP played like the Mets in blowout loss to Dems

June 15, 2018

Pentagon Wants to Scrap Waiting Period for Hiring Retired Servicemen

A tight labor market and 180-day wait makes it harder to staff up key defense contractors

June 15, 2018